1. Backward key production equipment: high-quality products with production thickness less than 0.05mm Calendered copper foil The multi roll mill with width meeting the user's requirements shall be used. The rolling mill of some domestic copper processing plants can not be normally put into rolling foil production due to the lack of other equipment or the traditional product structure in the factory. However, some small copper foil processing plants have to use outdated production equipment and processes due to lack of key equipment or investment capacity, and copper foil product specifications and technical indicators are inferior to foreign products.

2. Annealing process: the bell type annealing furnace cannot guarantee the uniformity and stability of the annealing performance of soft finished products, and it is difficult to obtain uniform and fine recrystallized crystalline structure. Pass through annealing furnace can not effectively solve the problem of copper foil surface scratch at present.
3. Surface treatment: the current surface passivation process can not effectively prevent the surface oxidation discoloration of calendered copper foil soft products during storage. At the same time, there is no roughening and surface coloring (plating) treatment.