Shaoguan Preferred Antenna Copper Foil Price
According to the burning degree of the substrate in the flame and after leaving the ignition source, it can be divided into general type and self extinguishing type; According to the bending degree of the substrate, it can be divided into rigid and flexible laminates; According to the working temperature and working environment conditions of the substrate, it can be divided into heat resistant, radiation resistant, high-frequency foil clad plate, etc. In addition, there are also laminates used in special occasions, such as prefabricated inner laminates, metal based laminates, and copper foil, nickel foil, silver foil, aluminum foil, Kang copper foil, beryllium copper foil laminates according to the type of foil.
Shaoguan Preferred Antenna Copper Foil Price
Backward key production equipment: for high-quality products with production thickness less than 0.05mm, multi roll rolling mill with width meeting user requirements shall be used. The rolling mill of some domestic copper processing plants can not be normally put into rolling foil production due to the lack of other equipment or the traditional product structure in the factory. However, some small processing plants have to use outdated production equipment and processes due to lack of key equipment or investment capacity, and copper foil product specifications and technical indicators are inferior to foreign products.
Shaoguan Preferred Antenna Copper Foil Price
The copper foil industry belongs to the copper processing industry, which processes copper into extremely thin copper strips or sheets by means of rolling, electrolysis and sputtering, and further applies them as industrial raw materials in various downstream products. The thickness of μ Below m, the thickness varies depending on the scene used.
Shaoguan Preferred Antenna Copper Foil Price
The technical feature of electrolytic copper foil is that various technical conditions in electrolyte and additives must be strictly controlled, so equipment alone is not enough to produce high-performance copper foil; High performance has high requirements for the materials of anode plate and cathode roll in the raw foil equipment, the processing accuracy and consistency of the equipment; In the production process, the concentration of copper and acid in the electrolyte needs to be monitored and adjusted in real time.
Shaoguan Preferred Antenna Copper Foil Price
Calendered copper foil is a product made by repeatedly rolling and annealing high-precision copper strip (usually less than 150 microns in thickness) based on the principle of plastic processing (usually 4-100 microns in thickness and<800 mm in width). Its ductility, bending resistance and conductivity are better than those of electrolytic copper foil, and the copper purity is also higher than that of electrolytic copper foil.