Hangzhou Preferred Battery Copper Foil Price
Electronic circuit copper foil plays an important role in conducting electricity and heat in printed circuit board (PCB), and is known as the neural network on PCB. At present, copper foil for electronic circuits (PCB copper foil) is divided into two categories, namely conventional copper foil and high-performance copper foil.
Hangzhou Preferred Battery Copper Foil Price
With the development of high-density wiring technology for low profile copper foil multilayer boards, the traditional type cannot meet the needs of manufacturing high-precision printed circuit boards. Therefore, a new generation of copper foils, low profile (LP) and ultra-low profile (VLP), have emerged one after another. Compared with ordinary electrolytic copper foil, LP copper foil has fine crystal (2/zm), equiaxed grains, no columnar crystals, lamellar crystals, flat prisms and low surface roughness.
Hangzhou Preferred Battery Copper Foil Price
Although the thickness of copper foil gradually becomes thinner, power battery manufacturers use 6 μ When the product is less than or equal to m, the coating machine, winding machine and other key equipment as well as the technological level cannot solve the problems such as wrinkles, belt breakage and high-temperature oxidation encountered in the production process, which leads to the inability to mass produce ultra-thin copper foil with high yield.
Hangzhou Preferred Battery Copper Foil Price
The technical feature of electrolytic copper foil is that various technical conditions in electrolyte and additives must be strictly controlled, so equipment alone is not enough to produce high-performance copper foil; High performance has high requirements for the materials of anode plate and cathode roll in the raw foil equipment, the processing accuracy and consistency of the equipment; In the production process, the concentration of copper and acid in the electrolyte needs to be monitored and adjusted in real time.